The art show at Chesterfield college is spread out over a number of rooms, each showcasing different specialist areas. There were all different subjects being displayed, including ceramics, visual communication, photography , textiles and fine art. All of these subjects were mostly categorised into each room, but they were also mixed up in places, making the show a bit hard to follow and more difficult to find the things I'm interested in. Each student had their own space to showcase their work. Some areas were presented in a really eye-catching and creative way, whereas some were a little more slap-dash. There were also some pieces hung up that seemed to be part of a larger personal project, but did not include any sketchbooks, so it was a challenge to put the work into context. However, the work there was still very beautiful.
This was a set up done by Lucie Richmond, a Level 3 Foundation Art & Design student. It's an antique-looking desk and shelf, containing many amazing and mystical designs and drawings and objects. The centre-piece is an incredible ceramic dragon with gorgeous dark wings. The level of detail put into this piece is absolutely fantastic. I looked at this piece for longer than anything else in the show, because there was just so much to look at! The desk idea is really interesting because a person's desk can often say a lot about their lives, and I think that idea has been brilliantly portrayed here. It's like peering into someone's life. One minor drawback is that there were sketchbooks, however they were very involved and I couldn't quite tell exactly how she got to this final piece, but other than that this was really amazing.
Overall, I really enjoyed looking around this art show, because of the variety and high quality of artwork. It was really great to just wander around looking at all the brilliant work that fellow students are doing. It's also helped me to think about which specialist area I would like to go into. I have also thought about how I would present my own work in an art show. It's been a very useful and enlightening experience.