Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Photographs of Interest

I really like this piece because of the different areas of scenery and the different textures in them. I like the contrast between the dark sand and the light sea. The remnants of the pier sticking out of the ocean is really quite captivating. I really love looking at it. I  can't describe what it is exactly that makes this so facinating.

This photo is lovely. I just love the way the main girl has been captured. It's almost as if you can tell exactly what she is thinking and feeling from this one photo. She looks so apathetic and there's such attitude in the way she is standing; it's almost as if she is an older woman than a young girl. It's really... captivating.

I love the overall composition of this photograph. The background is very interesting. I think the reflections in the puddle and the ripples around the ladder are brilliant. Then there's the man jumping over the water. I love the contrast between him and the background. In the background, you can clearly see the detail, however the jumping man is simply a silhouette. This gives the character a sense of mystery, which makes the whole photo really interesting.

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